In celebration of World Landscape Architecture Month and EARTH month, the Bay Area Landscape Architecture Resources Community (LARC) is sharing resources on designing Bay-Friendly landscapes and examples of Bay-Friendly landscapes.

The Bay-Friendly Landscape Guidelines were created by Stop-Waste.Org, a public agency that works to reduce waste in Alameda County, and are now managed by the nonprofit organization, Bay-Friendly Landscaping & Garden Coalition.

Whether designing a private or public landscape, to become a certified Bay-Friendly landscape, seven best practices must be implemented (pages 10 and 11 of the Bay-Friendly Landscape Guidelines):

  1. Landscape locally
  2. Landscape for less to the landfill
  3. Nurture the soil
  4. Conserve water
  5. Conserve energy
  6. Protect water and air quality
  7. Create and protect wildlife habitat

The Bay-Friendly Landscape Guidelines lists actions that can be taken to design a space that follows the seven best practices and includes a scoreboard that can be used to determine if your landscape is Bay-Friendly.

If you would like to learn more about designing Bay-Friendly landscapes, check out the following resources:

Additionally, here are some examples of Bay-Friendly landscapes  for inspiration:

951 Turner Court, Emeryville Greenway, and San Lorenzo Community Park.


Social Media Posts: View our social media posts about Bay-Friendly landscapes on Instagram, LinkedIn, and Facebook.