In honor of Mental Health Awareness Month, the Bay Area LARC is sharing information about the Therapeutic Landscapes Network (TLN), an international organization that provides resources on designing green spaces that benefit people’s health and wellbeing.

Spending time outdoors has been proven to have numerous mental health benefits including reducing stress and increasing happiness. Through landscape design, we can create therapeutic outdoor spaces for people of all ages that will greatly benefit people’s mental health.

If you are interested in learning more about therapeutic landscapes and are looking for a place to start, check out the TLN’s “If You Only Read Five” book list. If you would like to dive deeper into therapeutic landscape design, the TLN’s resources list is packed with informative resources. The TLN also has a list of healthcare gardens and a list of community gardens around the world! Visit: https://healinglandscapes.org

Social Media Posts: View our social media posts about the Therapeutic Landscapes Network on Instagram, LinkedIn, and Facebook.