
About executivedirector

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So far executivedirector has created 137 blog entries.

This is DesignIntelligence Leading the Charge

Amy Cupples is the Managing Principal at Keller Mitchell & Company. Kona Gray is a Principal at EDSA. Kush Parekh is an Associate Principal at Studio-MLA. On this edition of This Is DesignIntelligence, they discuss how the changes of the last year have impacted the profession, what it [...]

2021-04-22T17:25:12-07:00April 22nd, 2021|

Promising Places Photo Upload

Thank you for participating in the Northern California Chapter of the American Society of Landscape Architect's call for photos of the most promising outdoor places that have emerged during the pandemic! We need your help to highlight the creativity and innovation that has yielded slow streets, pleasing parklets, [...]

2021-04-14T09:33:50-07:00April 14th, 2021|

In Memoriam Robert Hewitt, FASLA

With heavy hearts we share the news of the passing of ASLA-NCC member Robert Hewitt, FASLA. Robert was a Professor of Landscape Architecture at Clemson University, and a scholar of cross-cultural design. Hewitt studied German, Spanish and French as an undergraduate at the University of California, Davis, before [...]

2021-02-11T11:19:16-08:00February 11th, 2021|

2020 Fellow Chip Sullivan

Chip Sullivan, ASLA University of California, Berkeley Nomination in Knowledge by Northern California Chapter For more than three decades, Chip Sullivan has developed a unique pedagogy in landscape architecture education by merging art, nature, and environmental consciousness. His focus has been to teach people how to see the [...]

2021-02-11T14:51:57-08:00January 13th, 2021|
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