The Presidents’ Reception is an annual event held by ASLA Northern California each December by the current President and the immediate Past-President. It serves as a time for chapter members, affiliates, students of landscape architecture, friends and family to gather in one place to celebrate the years’ accomplishments.

With over seventy professionals in attendance, the 2019 Presidents’ Reception was no different. While enjoying a live band, snacks and excellent wine, event attendees were presented with an opportunity to network and recognize the successes of peers in the local landscape architecture community while overlooking the beautiful SF Bay views from Rosenblum winery in Downtown Oakland.

This year, the Chapter celebrated the elevation of two members to the Council of Fellows and one Honorary Member during the National ASLA annual meeting. April Phillips, the chapter Trustee, presented and introduced the accomplishments of Michael Boland, Robert Hewitt and Honorary Member, Marc Treib.

In a surprise ceremony, President Blake Rhinehart and immediate Past-President Katrina Majewski took a moment to recognize April Phillips for her immense contributions to the ASLANCC, ASLA National, and to the Profession of Landscape Architecture. April has provided over 15 years of service to theASLA-NCC board, including 6 years as the Chapter Trustee, and will be stepping back from her Executive Committee responsibilities starting in 2020. The Chapter celebrated Aprils’ hard work by giving a donation to the LAF in her name.

The ASLA-NCC would like to thank not only all those who attended but our generous sponsors whose continued support support allow us to hold functions like this and really allow our chapter to function; Delta Bluegrass, Park West, Victor Stanley, Vita Planning and Landscape Architecture, Devil Mountain Wholesale Nursery, Landscape Forms, Maglin Site Furniture, Miracle Playsystems, QCP, Rain Bird and Tournesol Siteworks.