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Join the ASLA Sierra Chapter for a day-long interactive, multidisciplinary experience where designers, state and local agencies, academics, and community leaders will converge to share actionable strategies to further climate solutions.

This event will be an exchange of ideas and opportunities, uniting voices of those committed to making a difference. Register now to learn, share, connect and strategize for meaningful change!

Individual Registration
$105 per person (Early bird by March 14th)
$90 per person for ASLA members (Early bird by March 14th)

Firm Registration (3+ people)
$90 per person

Together, we can turn the tide against climate change.


  • Plenary Keynote
    Open the day with prominent leaders sharing their thoughts on the current state of climate action. Keynote speakers include ASLA CEO Torey Carter-Conneen!
  • Morning Sessions
    Break out into sessions focused on leading climate topics.
  • Lunch Keynote
    Hear from climate experts exploring ideas for the future of the profession, policy, and practice.
  • Action Groups
    Participate in afternoon break-out sessions that explore practice, tools, and advocacy opportunities.
  • Dream Session
    Collaborate with other participants to set short and long term goals for advancing climate action in California.
  • Happy Hour Reception
    End the day solidifying the connections you made with fellow travelers at the Symposium.


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