Launch Your Career
As an emerging landscape architecture professional, you are tomorrow’s industry leader. Your profession you have chosen is diverse-broad in scope and scale. Your education prepared you not only as a designer, but a beautifier, a problem-solver and a translator between the allied professions. Continue to develop your knowledge and skills through the opportunities ASLA membership provides.
The mission of the Emerging Professionals (EP) group is to identify and respond to the needs of those who are new to the profession of Landscape Architecture in Northern California.
This group appeals to the young professional who desires more social involvement, as well as intellectual engagement, with other landscape architecture professionals. The group is currently active in conducting social hours, walking tours, office visits, volunteer opportunities, and professional workshops and seminars. The group is not hierarchical; members are encouraged to step forward and initiate an activity or event.
The goals of the EP group are to:
Recent EP activities include:
- Office tour of BASE landscape atchitectue in San Francisco
- Joint emerging professional event between ASLA and APA
- Guided native plants hike at Tilden Botanical Gardens