We would like to congratulate the members elected to the ASLA NCC Executive Committee for the 2016-17 term! They join President Elizabeth Boults and Past President Marybeth Harasz and CCASLA Representative Cathy Blake on the 2016-2017 Executive Committee. The committee is entirely dependent on the volunteer efforts of members who are willing to donate their time and energy to making our chapter strong, vibrant and successful. While the Executive Committee are the leaders of our Chapter, it is important that you, our members, attend our events and get involved in volunteering as well. The chapter is only as strong as the members that participate and help us to develop into the chapter that represents you.
Carolyne Orazi, ASLA
President Elect
CLICK HERE for her bio
Amy Cupples, PLA, ASLA
Vice President & Treasurer
CLICK HERE for her bio
Carmen Erasmus, PLA, ASLA
CLICK HERE for her bio
Marybeth Harasz, PLA, ASLA
CCASLA Representative
CLICK HERE for her bio
April Philips, PLA, FASLA
CLICK HERE for her bio
Gifford Bautista, PLA, ASLA
CLICK HERE for his bio
Tala Fatolahzadeh, PLA, ASLA
CLICK HERE for her bio
Katrina Majewski, ASLA
CLICK HERE for her bio
David W. Nelson, PLA, ASLA
CLICK HERE for his bio
Thank you to all of our members who volunteer for our events and especially to our members to the Executive Committee!