On May 1, ASLA flipped the switch and made student membership free. In just the first month, ASLA student membership jumped from 1,473 to 3,049 students, an increase of 107 percent. These new members represent 40 countries and 159 academic institutions around the world. Four out of five of the new student members are in the student category, those studying landscape architecture in the United States or Canada. Nearly 15 percent are students studying landscape architecture around the world.
Student members now make up more than a fifth of ASLA membership, and this new cohort is diverse. Nearly 63 percent of new student members are female, and 60 percent are non-white: 40 percent Asian, 11.6 percent Latinx, 2.9 percent Black, and 5.7 percent who identified as biracial or other races. Free student membership has served as a catalyst for diversifying the voices and perspectives that make up the Society.
Know a student who isn’t yet a member? Share this link to connect them to all ASLA has to offer.

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