May 16, 2015 11AM | California Nursery Historical Park, Fremont
Mark your calendars for the next meeting:
Tuesday, August 18, 6PM at the Lake Chalet in Oakland.
Please note the later start time.
Chair: January Ruck
Recorder: Cate Bainton
Attendees: Cate Bainton, Denise Bradley, Fredrica Drotos, Cathy Garrett, Janet Gracyk,
Jill Johnson, Deborah Lindsay, Chris Pattillo, Fred Rachman, January Ruck
- Tour of the Site - Chris Pattillo and Cathy Garrett
California Nursery has a long and important history that began with Jose de Jesus Vallejo who built his adobe home on the site in 1842 -- where the meeting was held.
The period of significance began in 1884 when John Rock moved his nursery to this site.
Many of the original buildings remain and will be rehabilitated as part of the historic park.
We saw some of the palms that the California Nursery provided to the Pan Pacific International Exposition in 1915.
George C. Roeding purchased the nursery in 1917 and he and his descendants continued to operate the nursery until 1968 when it was acquired by the City of Fremont.
Rock and the Roedings introduced many new ornamental and fruit trees to the California market.
Many of the original trees remain.
There are 732 trees representing 123 species or varieties -- many are exceptional specimens.
- California Nursery Historic Park Master Plan - Cathy Garrett
Cathy presented two alternative master plans for the adaptive re-use of the site.
- Sunset Gardens HALS Project - Janet Gracyk, Chris Pattillo, Jill Johnson
Sarah Raube, Lorena Garcia Rodriguez, and Genny Bantle are working on the drawing. Gordon Osmundson photographed (large format) the garden in spring bloom. Janet, Jill, and Chris are working on the report.
- SHPO Liaison Report - Janet Gracyk and Cathy Garrett
The Office of Historic Preservation is creating a new form for landscapes.
Amanda Blosser is the lead, and our chapter is support to her.
It was suggested that OHP approach the Olmsted Center about the possibility of partnering to create a field guide to western landscapes.
- HALS Liaison Report - Chris Pattillo
In a conference call with about twelve HALS Liaisons, HALS Chief Paul Dolinsky reported that the Secretary of Interior's Professional Guidelines for landscape architects will be ready for review in Summer 2015. Thaisa Way and students have created a Google map of HALS sites, with a link to the LOC documentation for each site. Chris Stevens is now the HALS Liaison Coordinator. Citation and copyright issues were discussed. The 50th anniversary of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 will be next year.
- HALS Challenge - Chris Pattillo
Approximately five people have reserved sites in California for HALS Challenge documentation.
- Berkeley Stairway Project - Fredrica Drotos and January Ruck
There was a meeting at the site in April with Jill Johnston.
An issue is public vs. private right of way; investigating with City of Berkeley -- owner of the historic public stairway.
Fredrica and January are looking into grant possibilities and/or volunteers to undertake drawings and photos for HALS piece.
ASLA is the Chapter's fiscal agent.
- HALS Heroes - Chris Pattillo
There is less than $1000 left in the Chapter's account with the ASLA. Chris paid the most recent photography hero from her personal account. January will investigate grant possibilities, such as the National Trust for Historic Preservation. Cate will take HALS Heroes down from the website.
- China Camp Project - Fred Rachman
Fred showed a draft drawing and gave it to Chris for review.
- Announcements - all
Jill Johnson reported that the John Marsh Historic Trust is slowly making progress on the stabilization of the John Marsh House.
- Chapter Leadership - all
Our Chapter is in a transition and active members are seeking input from the wider membership about how we proceed.
Chapter leadership has been a Co-Chair system of three chairs:
incoming chair (January Ruck), current chair (Gretchen Hilyard), and past chair (Larkin Owens).
Larkin is moving to southern California.
Gretchen does not have time to continue in a leadership position.
January can continue. Melissa Mourkas, from the Sacramento Area, is interested but cannot do four times per year in the Bay Area.
- How often per year should we meet?
- Where should we meet?
- When should we meet?
- How many chairs should we have?
- Should we invite presenter(s) to meetings, such as large-format photographer Brian Grogan?
- Should we poll members using a free utility such as
SurveyMonkey.com or
Yahoo Groups Poll?
Discussion will continue at the August meeting. (Tuesday, August 18, 6PM at the Lake Chalet in Oakland.
Please note the later start time.)
Many attendees picnicked in the park after the meeting.