HALS Northern California Chapter



August 13, 2013 | Lake Chalet, Oakland

Chair: Larkin Owens
Recorder: Valeria Vincent Sancisi
Attendees: Amanda Blosser, Cathy Garrett, Janet Gracyk, Todd Gracyk, Jennifer de Graaf, Ellen Johnck, Larkin Owens, Chris Pattillo, Valeria Vincent Sancisi

Mark your calendar for the next meeting: November 12, 2013

  1. Leadership Transitions

    Larkin Owens, greeted everyone as the new Current Chair. Cathy Garrett transitioned to Past Chair, and Valeria Vincent Sancisi accepted the position of Incoming Chair (Secretary).


    Cathy Garrett reported a very successful meeting with HALS-NCC and OHP (California Office of Historic Preservation) in Sacramento, which 25 people attended on July 25th, 2013. The meeting was very dynamic, exploring how HALS documentation may be of service to the OHP and how to create a shared vocabulary.

    The last meeting was four years ago, and there was discussion of how frequent these meetings might be held in the future, perhaps once a year or every other year. Chris Pattillo and Cathy Garrett suggested spin off meetings two or three times a year, with at least one of those meetings in-person. Cathy Garrett and Janet Gracyk agreed to co-chair the HALS-SHPO subgroup, while Amanda Blosser agreed to be the representative from the OHP.

    Cathy Garrett closed in emphasizing the need for a shared vocabulary on which SHPO can direct the lead, as OHP is exploring how to incorporate HALS documentation into the existing survey program. All agreed to further discuss at the next HALS meeting in February and aim for the next subcommittee meeting to be held in early March.

    For more detailed information please see HALS-SHPO Meeting Minutes, which were distributed to the Yahoo group list in August.


    Ellen Johnck reported on the draft Historical Narrative that was distributed before the meeting and the group provided feedback. As China Camp is already on the State and Federal Register, this document is to record the landscape that currently exists onsite and ultimately be submitted to NPS, as well the Library of Congress.

    Ellen raised the significance of China Camp Village being the only fishing village in the state, and that it was fairly large settlement. Cathy Garrett suggested the theme be "patterns of settlement" and Chris Pattillo spoke of the theme of discriminative practices to be included into the historical narrative.

    Ellen stated it also has a rare ecosystem of woodland to marsh.

    Jennifer de Graaf also presented the Measured Drawings, which are still a work in progress.

    Ellen agreed to give a preview of the narrative to HALS 3 weeks before the next meeting.

    The idea of submitting some sketches was agreed upon as additional supporting documentation.

  4. HALS DOCUMENTATION additional comments

    Chris Pattillo shared some insights and a general look at documentation, spoke of the guidelines for historical narratives and suggested using the forms as an outline to organize the information beginning with the general (themes) to the specific.

    Chris referred to the 1996 Department of Interior Standards for Evaluation for terminology going from the big picture to reining in on the specific, and using the period of significance as the driving reasoning for the narrative.


    Chris Pattillo is pleased to report that out of 29 challenge entries, eight were from California, and was happy to say "We have started something big."

    From California the list of sites submitted:

    • Arden, Modjeska, CA
    • Bottle Village - Simi Valley, CA
    • The Ebell of Los Angeles - Los Angeles, CA
    • Elmshaven - St. Helena, CA
    • Library Park - Orland, CA
    • Mathias Botanical Garden - Los Angeles, CA
    • Pond Farm Pottery - Guerneville, CA
    • Rancho del Oso, Davenport, CA

    Prizes will be awarded to the top three national submissions and announced at the Boston 2013 ASLA Annual Meeting and Expo.

    While topics such as landscapes of the Civil War or the CCC have been discussed, the theme of the 2014 Challenge has not yet been decided.

  6. HALS Photography

    Janet Gracyk reported that Brian Grogan has provided terrific feedback on the photos that Dane Pollok took to document the Oakland Museum. Due to timing constraints with Dane's first solo show, the group agreed to approve a delay in regards to his photo submissions with the understanding that Janet Gracyk is to find a date in October to meet with Dane regarding Brian's feedback.

    Brian Grogan's commentary was useful in comparing how to specifically capture landscapes through HALS photography, as opposed to HABS/HAER. Suggestions were made to invite him to speak on photography standards at an upcoming HALS meeting and Janet Gracyk agreed to coordinate with him. The group also discussed how valuable it would be to invite Michael Kelly, a documentary filmmaker who has worked with Fredrica Drotos on Piedmont Way in Berkeley, to discuss his ongoing work there.

  7. HALS Nationwide Statistics

    Chris Pattillo briefly reported that there are 90 complete HALS submissions for the state of California. Aside from California, Oklahoma and Virginia are competing for the most submissions.

  8. Identification of a new HALS-NCC Project

    Cathy Garrett began dialogue on identification of a new HALS-NCC project. While previous projects were started through a competition with a pitch or connections with "Friends of" groups, she asked for feedback on this approach and wanted to get ideas for potential sites.

    Anthony Veerkamp suggested documentation of Vermont Street, south of 20th, on Potrero Hill.

    Fredrica Drotos also recommended taking on the public pathways in Berkeley and Oakland.

    Amanda Blosser mentioned the Delta project that Alex Westhoff is currently developing, as well. While unique and interesting, Cathy thought this might be too big of a project to be accomplished through volunteer HALS documentation. She agreed that it could be valuable for HALS-NCC to inform, though, where appropriate.

    Cathy encouraged more ideas and agreed to draft a small call for potential projects, with the intent of identifying a new site by the Feb/May2014 meeting.

    Chris offered to let those who want to submit to choose the site and to give enough time to prepare. Cathy Garrett will put out future HALS projects.


    Following an email enquiry from Waverly Lowell the group discussed where we have been depositing HALS submissions locally.

    Potential local repositories that were identified include the UCB Bancroft Library, the UCB Environmental Design Archives, the California Historical Society, or the Oakland Public Library.

    While the group did see benefit of having a local repository, there was also question about redundancy with digital submissions and the power of storing all HALS submissions in one place. Chris agreed to ask Paul Dolinsky (NPS) for the proper portal for archiving HALS documents.


    East Bay Regional Park District location next meeting (Nov 12, 2013). Ellen agreed to reach out to Brian Weiss. Interest was also expressed in Tom Gates speaking at either the November or February (Feb 11, 2014) meeting about his work with ethnocultural landscapes. Janet also agreed to contact Sarah Raube with NPS regarding potentially hosting the February meeting. Petaluma is another tentative option for our May meeting (May 13, 2014), with such pleasant weather there in spring.



© HALS Northern California Chapter 2013