HALS Northern California Chapter



November 13, 2012 | Fort Mason, San Francisco

Chair: Cathy Garrett
Recorder: Chris Pattillo
Attendees: Amy Hoke, Steve Haller, Doug Nelson, Chris Pattillo, Melissa Mourkas, Larkin Owens, Ellen Johnck, Jennifer de Graaf, Cathy Garrett

Mark your calendar for the next meeting: February 12, 2013 at the office of RHAA in Mill Valley.

The meeting was hosted by Amy Hoke and Steve Haller at Fort Mason in the spectacular General's Residence with a view overlooking the garden, Alcatraz, Aquatic Park, and the Maritime Museum, on a perfect day on the bay. Thanks to Janet Gracyk for arranging for the most gracious setting for a HALS meeting ever.

Steve gave a short overview of the history of Fort Mason starting with Ohlone occupation, arrival of the Spanish, Gold Rush-era squatters who were pushed out by the Civil War military. The building we met in became the Commander General's home after the Civil War. After the 1906 earthquake and fire, Fort Mason housed refugees. Steve said that most of the landscape had been established by that time. Fort Mason served as a primary army portal during WWII, then fell into disuse. The property was reinvigorated during the Korean War but declined after that and was closed in the 1960s.

Steve led a short tour of the grounds and told us about a system of pathways that are in need of restoration. The site is on the National Register of Historic Sites.

Cathy Garrett then called the meeting to order.

  1. HALS National Report

    Chris gave a report on HALS related events from this year's ASLA annual conference in Phoenix. At the HALS meeting Chris Stevens, NPS, distributed a summary of what progress each state has made in advancing HALS during the past year. Reports were provided from 22 states. Many states reported substantial progress and achievements. There are now 55 HALS chapters and 41 HALS Liaisons. Each of the California Missions our chapter documented was listed. In addition, four other sites were submitted including Bidwell Park in Chico, the Chalet Recreation Field in Golden Gate Park, Kohl Mansion in Burlingame, and Cate Bainton's award winning drawing and short form history of the San Francisco National Cemetery. Our chapter's submissions now total 40 short forms, 6 sets of full documentation and 1 set of photographs.

    The position and content of HALS on the ASLA website has been greatly improved. It is now found under the Professional Practice tab. The NPS HALS staff is currently documenting Curry Village in Yosemite National Park. Paul Dolinsky updated us on the status of the Secretary of the Interior's Historic Preservation Professional Qualifications standards, which is moving forward. Finally, the next HALS national conference call is January 2013. If anyone has something to bring up they should contact Chris Pattillo, California Liaison.

  2. 2012 & 2013 HALS Challenges

    While in Phoenix, past chair Jennifer de Graaf and Chris received our chapter's certificates for having won first and third place in the 2012 Challenge. Each participant was acknowledged for an "Exemplary Communal Effort by Members of the HALS Northern California Chapter to Document 16 of the California Missions, California Statewide." The Arizona Chapter won 2nd place for their work documenting El Tiradito, a traditional Mexican-American shrine in Tucson.

    The 2013 Challenge was announced. This year's theme is to document Cultural Landscapes of Women.

  3. China Camp

    Ellen noted that it has been one year since we started work at China Camp. She is well along with the research and will soon begin to write the historic narrative. She gave a talk on China Camp to the Society of Archaeologists recently. The photography has been completed by HALS member Steven Quiñones-Colón. His photos were passed around and after the meeting will be sent to Washington to be added to the HALS collection. No progress was reported on the drawings.

  4. Recognizing Historic Landscape Architects

    Cathy, Janet and Kerri Liljegren reviewed the draft language that will define the qualifications of a Historic Landscape Architect, and prepared a letter on behalf of our chapter urging approval of the Historic Landscape Architect position which would enable us to access material in the CHRIS system and compete for jobs along with other disciplines. Cathy noted that several others sent additional letters of support as individuals. This issue should be finalized in 2013.

  5. State Green Building Code

    Doug reported on the new CalGreen Building Code expressing concern that it precludes planting species known to be invasive. Many on the list are mainstays of historic landscapes so precluding their use poses a concern for those of us who seek to design cultural landscapes that accurately reflect what these gardens were like historically. Doug noted that the Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance exempts historic landscapes and suggested that the Green Building Code should do the same. Cathy said that PGA partner Chris Kent has submitted a letter on this issue. Those who are concerned should send letters to StopWaste.org.

  6. HALS Photography

    Cathy reported that we have received two sets of HALS photographs of Piedmont Avenue -- one of our HALS documentation sites. Copies were circulated. One set was done by member Fredrica Drotos and Michael Kelly and the other by HALS photographer Brian Grogan. At our request, Brian assessed the two sets of photographs and prepared a set of comments and recommendations for modifications on technique. These notes will be posted on our website and are intended to encourage other non-professionals to develop HALS photography skills. Our objective is to grow the pool of qualified people to provide these services.

  7. Olmsted Seminars, New SHPO, Fiscal Agent & HALS Heroes

    Cathy reported that two symposia on the work of Frederick Law Olmsted Jr. have been set -- one on the East coast will take place Oct. 10-11, 2013 in Washington DC and one on the West coast, at Stanford University on March 27-28, 2014.

    Cathy also reported that Milford Wayne Donaldson has retired and HALS member Carol Roland has been appointed as the new State Historic Preservation Officer. Cathy conveyed our interest in meeting with Carol and her staff to report on our recent HALS work. Carol said she is happy to meet with us and we agreed to do so next spring. Wayne is serving as a Trustee for the National Trust.

    Cathy advised us that ASLA, our fiscal agent, has some new procedures in place that need to be followed to expedite the processing of payments from our account. She thanked Janet Gracyk for making the arrangements for our meeting and Jennifer for providing very tasty refreshments.

    Chris reported that Fred Reichman hopes to have a drawing for us at our next meeting.

    Our meeting was adjourned in memory of Tom Brown, a long-standing active member of our chapter who recently contributed an excellent context for our work on the California Missions. Tom died October 26 in Rome after enjoying a sketching trip. And, Michael Crowe, a chapter member, ex-NPS staff member, author of the historic narrative for our HALS submission on Piedmont Avenue, past president of CPF, and current member of the board of Oakland Heritage Alliance, also died in October. Their life long contributions to our nation's cultural landscapes are their legacy. We will miss them both.

© HALS Northern California Chapter 2012