HALS Northern California Chapter



August 5, 2008 | Fay Park, San Francisco

Chair: Chris Pattillo
Recorder: Janet Gracyk
Attendees: Chris Pattillo, Cathy Garrett, Douglas Nelson, Peter Guerrero, Tom Brown, JC Miller, Gretchen Hilyard, Kerri Liljegren, Anthony Veerkmap, Ellen Johnck, Cate Bainton, Diane Einstein, Betsy Flack, and Janet Gracyk

Mark your calendar for the next meeting: Tuesday, November 11 at Olompali State Historic Park. Details to follow.

The meeting was hosted by JC Miller at the Fay Garden. Miller described the restoration of the 1957 Thomas Church Garden.

  1. Website

    Cate Bainton shared sample pages from the prototype web site. The site includes a mission statement, links, meeting information, links to HALS documentation (short forms and an image at this point) and a link to the HALS inventory for Northern California. This last item generated a lot of discussion about the purposes of the site and the potential uses of the inventory list. The issue is, should the list include only sites that are eligible for HALS documentation? Or, should all sites with historic significance be listed? Peralta Hacienda Historical Park in Oakland was noted as a good example. This site has very little integrity but profound historic significance. The list represents possible landscapes of interest. It was decided that language on the website should clearly state that the list is not comprehensive. The use of images was discussed and it was suggested that a website already established, the Historic Places Database, could be a venue for photographs, meaning HALSCA would not have to try to maintain a very large database. The site may include photos for HALS documented landscapes. The group's association with ASLA and mandate will be made clearer, as well as info about HALS being set up by congress, but not regularly funded. Site can be used to request donations. The website can be viewed at http://www.temporaryhalsca.org/ and comments may be sent to Cate by August 19.

    Cate was commended for her work on the website. She extended thanks to Tom Brown, Steve Rasmussen Cancian, JC Miller, and Chris Pattillo.

  2. Grants and Donations

    Swig Corporation has offered a $5000.00 donation. The National Trust for Historic preservation has offered a $2500.00 grant for HALS written documentation of the Mary Burdell garden in Olompali. There is a possibility of a matching grant for one or more members to write HALS short forms (from ASLA)

    To accept and manage these possibilities may require the following:

    • Fiscal agent:

      Chris contacted ASLA and the California Preservation Foundation and both organizations were open to serving as our fiscal agent. . CPF was considered a possibility as a means of establishing greater presence in CPF for cultural landscapes. CPF would take 10%, ASLA, at this point, would not take a cut of the grant monies. It was decided that ASLA (the San Francisco chapter) would act as the fiscal agent since we are already a part of the organization and may be setting precedent for other HALS groups in other states.

      Anthony pointed out that the NTHP grant was tentatively offered and the approval period would be closed at the end of September, requiring fast action.

      Next, the subject of a subcommittee came up that would investigate a fiscal agent agreement, a conflict of interest policy, and a policy for awarding funds. Diane Einstein, Ellen Johnck and Janet Gracyk will fill that role, with Janet as chair. It was agreed that five members would be better; two could act as alternates. Kerri Liljegren volunteered for the fourth position, and it was suggested that Marlea Graham be contacted to serve as the fifth member.

      ASLA and NTHP have conflict of interest policies that may serve as models.

    • Grants and Donations: The grants committee may develop an application to be used in awarding grants.

    • List of Qualified Consultants: On June 24 Chris sent out a request asking members to submit their names and qualifications to create a list of qualified professionals. She received four replies. Some people were uncertain what HALS might consider appropriate qualifications. It was agreed that the NPS qualifications would be a useful standard. Members are encouraged to submit qualifications to the new Grant Committee and can send them to Janet Gracyk.

      Here's a link to the NPS qualifications: http://www.nps.gov/nr/publications/bulletins/nrb18/nrb18_4.htm

    • Policy for Accepting Donations: There was a lot of discussion over accepting grants from organizations that may assume or desire the group to be advocates for that organization in exchange for the donation. It was suggested that, for instance, a donation from Swig Corporation, owners of the Kaiser rooftop garden, could be applied to some project other than the rooftop garden documentation. Prior to the meeting Chris had solicited an opinion from Paul Dolinsky who administers HALS for the National Park Service. Paul felt it was acceptable to receive donations and suggested that donations be made "for HALS documentation" rather than for a specific site. This discussion was extended into the next topic:

  3. Our role as advocates - policy discussion

    Our role as advocates was discussed at length. It was pointed out that we cannot, as a group, advocate for a project, according to ASLA. Some felt that by promoting preservation we are acting as advocates for a position. Some felt that the group needed to be clear that our function is to be factual and impartial, providing only documentation, and other groups (ASLA, California Preservation Foundation, California Garden and Landscape History Society, ...) are in a better position to act as advocates. No clear consensus emerged, and it was suggested that for the time being, each action item be dealt with on a case-by-case basis. Members are encouraged to use the e-list to alert other members to advocacy needs that each person can take on as individuals.

    A specific item was next discussed, Fulton Mall in downtown Fresno, designed by Garrett Eckbo and completed in 1964. Chris had a letter from the Downtown Fresno Coalition asking for support in their efforts to achieve National Register status for the mall. It was agreed that the preservation of the mall is well within our mission and that DFC should complete a HALS short form and the mall should be on the landscape inventory on our website. Tom moved that we send a letter of support to DFC, Karen seconded the motion and the motion was carried unanimously.

    Chris said that similar situations will continue to arise, and some will need a quick response and she would like guidance from the group on how to proceed. It was agreed that emails sent to the yahoo group would suffice for now, but if the volume of requests grew that a steering committee could be formed. It was also agreed that any member may, on behalf of HALSCA write in support of issues such as preservation of the Fulton Mall. Increasing the visibility of cultural landscapes is an important goal. Chris reported that she and Cathy Garrett were invited to see Highland Hospital grounds (Oakland) prior to demolition of parts of the hospital and Howard Gilky designed landscape. Cathy sent a letter, on HALS stationery, to the county asking for HALS documentation of the landscape as mitigation for the loss of historic resources; the request was approved by the Alameda County Board of Supervisors. This action sets a precedent.

  4. Marvels of Modernism Status

    In Marlea's absence, Chris reported that the Kaiser roof garden will be a featured project by The Cultural Landscapes Foundation in Landslide-Marvels of Modernism for 2008.

  5. Status of Congressional funding bill

    Chris reported that HALS funding is currently a $500,000 line item in the next congressional budget. The amount is still subject to change as the budget progresses. California's lobbying efforts, and support from Senators Feinstein and Boxer and from Nancy Pelosi were considered critical in advancing to this point.

  6. Reports

    Janet said that the Kaiser roof garden was featured in the NPS magazine, Common Ground. She also provided information about two upcoming events, received via the California Garden and Landscape History Society:

    1. A tour of Pasatiempo: http://nccsah.org/
    2. Historic Landscapes symposium: http://www.publicgardens.org/core/Events/eventdetails.aspx?meeting=HISTORIC08
© HALS Northern California Chapter 2008